Had a good day today. Got off work this morning and came home to find the wife up cooking breakfast when I hit the door. Now, I like eating healthy as much as the next guy but sometimes a little grease in the belly really hits the spot. We like a little bacon to go with our cheese grits and that's simply how it is. Living in the South and being married to a Southern Belle means that you rapidly become fond of southern cooking and my wife is a master of it. I get treated to a variety of southern delicacies such as greens, fried okra, cornbread and some banana pudding for dessert. Being on night shift has really helped me with my waistline since I only eat two meals per day typically so I really don't pay a LOT of attention to what I eat. I eat oatmeal and whole wheat toast a lot of times for breakfast but sometimes the bacon calls me.
Anyways, got home this morning and had a wonderful breakfast with my family. Took my stepson to school and ran a quick errand before coming home to spend a little time with my wife while my mother in law took my son to preschool. Then went to bed and slept until early afternoon while my wife went shopping. We are slowly working towards getting the house fixed up in anticipation of having the appraisal done before we refinance so that is causing a few inconveniences but nothing that we can't deal with. I'll definitely be happy when we have things back to normal and running smoothly but for now I'm just glad that we're making progress.
I'm also trying my hand at gardening. My eldest stepson has been keeping a garden behind our house for the past several years and his moving out has opened up the garden patch for me to play with. I have a bunch of seeds already and am working on getting things ready for planting. I started sprouting some okra plants the other day and will probably get some tomato plants started later tonight. My mom had a gift for gardening but I've never been into it. However, summertime is fast approaching and I've decided that I really want some home grown veggies to eat so it seems the logical thing to do. I've decided to plant okra, tomatoes, watermelons and beans. Between what we get from our garden plus what my father in law's garden produces, we should be swimming in vegetables for most of the summer.
That's pretty much what's going on in my life lately. I'm going to be going to bed early tonight because I have some errands to run tomorrow. For now I'm just going to relax and enjoy a quiet evening at home.