Thursday, May 20, 2010

still alive!

I feel that I should apologize for the sporadic posting. Of course, since I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who pays any attention to this blog, maybe I'm really just apologizing to myself. Things have been going pretty well. I've been working a lot and trying to spend more time with my wife and son. In addition, things are getting a bit hectic here on the home front as well. My oldest stepson, we'll call him Bubba (yes, that's REALLY his nickname) will be getting married in just under 3 weeks so my wife has been busy attending wedding showers as well as planning the rehearsal dinner. We've decided that we're going to do Barbecue, stew and slaw for it, much like we did when the wife and I got married. There's a BBQ place in the next county over that is widely considered to be the best in the state so that's where we got the BBQ and my in-laws make very good Brunswick stew and coleslaw. Just in case any non-southerners come across my humble little ramblings, Barbecue in the south is something of a religion. You don't DARE invite people to come eat some 'cue and then expect them to be happy with hotdogs and hamburgers on the grill. Here in the south, BBQ=PORK with a vinegar based sauce. Anything else is just an invitation for a lynching.

Anyways, the wife informed me yesterday that even though I'm not Bubba's father, I will be expected to dress semi-fancy and be available for wedding photos. Now, let me inform you gentle reader that I DESPISE getting dressed up. Fancy uniform is okay but you try to get me in a suit and you'll have a fight on your hands. I would much rather kick around in a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt (much like I'm wearing as I type this) so the idea of having to wear khakis and a nice shirt is rather distressing to me. Of course, you might ask "What's the issue? You're going to a wedding!" Well, my stepson and his lovely fiance have already announced that the dress code for this shindig is......wait for it....... blue jeans and t-shirts!!!! Well, there's really nothing to do but go ahead and make the wife happy. Trying to make a stand on the issue will inevitably result in an argument that I'm going to lose anyways so why waste the time?

Other than that, the garden is going well. My tomato plants are starting to bear fruit and my okra is FINALLY showing some growth. Most of my time is spent weeding with the tiller my father-in-law gave to me as well as my hoe. I'm really hoping that my garden does well this year and I'm already starting to think of things I might like to plant next year. It keeps me occupied and it pays off in fresh veggies hopefully.

Anyways, it's almost time to get started on cooking supper. I'm going to do chicken fajitas for supper so we'll see how those come out. Add in some laundry to do so I'll have clean clothes for the weekend and that make for an evening. Hope things are working out for you gentle readers. I'll talk to you soon!