Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy June!

Well, here we are. It's now June, 2010 and I've been a cop for just over a year. I never could have imagined the wild ride this past year would be when I started the academy. Let's recap some of the things that have happened to me in the time I've been a cop shall we??

1) Departmental turmoil... This has been a big one. I had 20 years experience in EMS and Fire prior to going to the academy and I've never worked anywhere that was as crazy as my department was when I started. I got threatened when I interviewed that if I screwed up, then they would do everything they could to have my Peace Officer's certification revoked and that I would never work as a cop again. That threat was repeated when I was offered the job. I needed a job badly at the time and accepted anyways but I was planning on leaving as soon as I got an offer somewhere else. Then, the Chief of our department as well as the Lieutenant who threatened me were both fired for a variety of issues. Since then, we have a new Chief and one of our Sergeants was promoted to Lieutenant in charge of Uniform Patrol. I have to give my NEW Lt a lot of credit in that he has really changed my attitude about staying where I am. He doesn't micromanage and he expects us to do our jobs. He fights for us when we're in the right and he's the first one to chew us out when we're wrong. Also, once he gets done chewing us out and we walk out of his office, that's the end of it. He is getting us training which was a real issue prior to the change in administration and he's trying to improve the way we do things as a department. All in all, I'm very impressed with the things he's done. He can be very abrasive at times but he supports the guys in the trenches and I respect that a lot.

2) Time at home.... I used to work ALL the time when I was working full time in EMS. I still work a lot but I'm also home a lot more. My family doesn't see me as a stranger anymore and I get to spend more time with my wife and son which was a big deciding factor when I made up my mind to go to the academy.

3) My abilities as an Officer..... When I started working for the department, I didn't get much in the way of field training. I pretty much had to learn things on my own. Now, I'm not stupid by any stretch but it would have been nice to have someone I KNEW I could rely on to give me good information on how things needed to be done. I've done fairly well in learning how to deal with the myriad of issues that a Police Officer has to deal with on a daily basis and that seems to have been noticed by my Lieutenant. I consistently get a lot of praise on the quality of my reports and the Captain has stated several times in front of other officers that I write the best reports in the department. I'm making good cases pretty much on my own and rarely have any problems. I still screw up periodically but it's usually not a big issue and I learn from my mistakes.

Another factor in the situation is the fact that we've reduced our monthly expenses a lot and are living more within our means. The only vehicle we owe money on is the minivan and that should be paid off later this year. In addition, we recently refinanced our house which reduced our mortgage payment by about $400 per month. This has taken a lot of pressure off of me so that I don't have to worry so much about finding extra work to help cover bills AND give us some spending money. I still work overtime when I can get it plus I work a couple of shifts a month on an ambulance to maintain my paramedic skills. We are in a much better financial situation and that helps immensely.

These days, I'm keeping busy at work and at home. My garden is going well and we're starting to get some fresh veggies out of it so that's definitely satisfying. We're currently swimming in zucchini and trying to find ways to use it. My wife has been baking zucchini bread and made a chocolate chip zucchini cake tonight for dessert. I got the first cucumber out of the garden yesterday and got 3 more today. I'm probably going to take some to a buddy of mine at work since he likes it. I also got the first of the okra out of the garden today. My tomatoes are coming along well but we probably won't get any ripe ones for another few weeks. I'm contemplating taking some green tomatoes to my mother in law along with a request for some fried green tomatoes. If you haven't had these little southern delicacies, then you're missing out on a treat. Truly good fried green tomatoes are delicious and you quickly become addicted to them.

Well, I hope that this update finds you, my non-existent readers, healthy and happy. I'm busy locking bad guys up and enjoying my family time as much as possible. I'm looking forward to a well deserved vacation next month and some time away from work.