Monday, February 1, 2010

Having fun

Feeling mellow tonight. It's been a very good day. I worked all weekend and did some good work. I arrested a lady for an outstanding warrant Friday evening, arrested a guy for DUI on Saturday night and then my partner got 2 felony arrests, some marijuana and a gun out of a car early Monday morning.

We came in for work Friday evening, had supper at a local restaurant and then went out to run some traffic. When I say we are running traffic, basically we're looking for whatever we can find. It isn't about the ticket but rather it's about looking deeper for something more serious. I could care less whether or not I actually issue a citation, I'd rather catch someone with drugs or a warrant than give someone a ticket for having a headlight out.

Anyways, we get a call about an argument between a man and a woman. We get to the house and find out that the guy has already taken off. The woman we talked kept insisting that they were just friends and not dating. She said they had an argument and she asked him to leave because he was drunk. So I'm thinking we might could catch a DUI so my partner calls him on the cell phone and asks him to meet us at the police department so we can talk. He agrees and we get set up to try and catch him coming back into town DUI. Well, he was smart and had a friend drive him to meet with us. He admits that he's engaged to the girl and just wants to get his stuff out of her house. We take him back to the girl's house and talk to her about it. She agrees to let him get his clothes and leave. During the course of the situation, I check the girl's license through dispatch. Uh-oh......... she's got 2 warrants for bad checks. We end up having to call her mom to come get the 2 little girls that were in the house and then we end up taking mom to jail for the warrants. That was pretty much it after that. We stopped a bunch of cars but couldn't find much of anything. It rained most of the night so it was hard to get motivated in the pouring down rain.

Saturday was better. I got to spend some time with my wife before leaving for work and was feeling pretty good by the time I started my shift. Stopped a bunch of cars but didn't find any serious crimes so they got warnings. We decided to go to the interstate about 2 or 3 in the morning. Usually, traffic in town dries up about 9 or 10pm and you can almost see tumbleweeds rolling down the sidewalks. Having the interstate in our jurisdiction makes for a nice change of pace. We roll down the on-ramp and park where we can watch traffic. A few minutes later, my partner rolls out to stop a car and I stay put. He'll call for me if he needs some help and I can find my own car to stop. While I'm sitting there, this white Honda comes past me like a bat out of hell. He was EASILY doing 100mph. As I watch him, I see him swerve across the white dotted line between the lines, which is a violation. I pull out after him and stop him about 2 miles down the road. I walk up to the car, introduce myself and the guy says "You got me Officer! I was speeding!" I ask him how fast he was going and he replies " I was doing at least a hundred when I passed you." Well, as I'm talking to him, I smell a familiar odor. Bingo!! I ask him to step out of the car to speak with me and he complies. Again, I smell an alcoholic beverage so I'm resisting the urge to giggle in front of him. I'm being very polite and asking him if he'd mind taking a few simple tests for me. He's more than happy to oblige and ends up in handcuffs for his trouble. I put him in my car while my partner starts the impound sheet and take off for the jail to give him the state required breath test.

Of course, with my luck, the guy starts flipping out in my car and ends up cursing me from the time we leave the scene until the time we get to the jail. He even bashes his head against my cage, earning himself a small bruise and cut. When we arrived, the sight of 6 deputies with Tasers drawn settled him down and he promptly blew 0.169 on the machine which is twice the legal limit. I'm actually looking forward to seeing him in court because everything was caught on tape and I'll be happy to let the judge hear just how many times he referred to me as a "cracker motherfucker."

So we come back in Sunday evening and I'm not expecting too much. Sunday isn't usually a party night and most folks are in the house asleep because they have to go to work on Monday morning. We tool around town for a couple of hours until my partner decides he wants to go write some speeding tickets. So we grab the laser and head out to the big road. Now I don't have any type of certification to run radar of laser but I can write speeding tickets for people that have been lasered by my partner so we get set up with him zapping cars and me playing bird dog. Sure enough, we get one running 93 in a 70 mph zone. I stop the car and hand the lady driving a nice yellow driving certificate. She said she's just going to pay it off but I forgot to mention the extra $200 fee the state is going to send her for doing more than 85mph on the interstate. Anyways, we hang around out on the interstate for a little while longer and then head back to town. We ride the city, patrolling businesses and neighborhoods looking for people up to no good. Thankfully we come up empty and go back to the interstate after a couple of hours. We set up again and traffic is slow compared to what it was earlier. We're standing outside of our cars despite the cold and talking about nonsense when my partner zaps one at 95 in a 70. We go after them and stop the car which is from one of our neighboring states. We start talking to the 3 occupants and I see that one of the passengers has lit a cigarette. Now this is a CLASSIC sign of extreme nervousness so I am extra alert.

My partner starts pulling people out of the car and having them stand at the front of his car. He gives me a thumbs up letting me know there's dope in the car. I go up to talk to the passenger in the back seat and I get a good whiff of it too. Very strong odor of raw marijuana in the car. We get permission to search the car and recover an ounce of weed as well as a pistol. Well, as it turns out, both of the male occupants are convicted felons which means they can't be in possession of a firearm. We end up arresting both of the men and the female subject who was 17 ends up having to sit at the PD until her father can come from the neighboring state to get her.

All in all, a very enjoyable and productive weekend at work. I ended up getting off work about 90 minutes late after all the evidence was logged and paperwork completed. The sun was rising as I drove home and the fields on both sides of the road were coated in frost. It was just a wonderful way to start a couple of days off. I even snapped some pics with my Iphone.

So I make it home and spend a little bit snuggling with my wife before heading to bed. We had a wonderful dinner this evening and my wife made a homemade banana pudding for dessert. Now I'm just relaxing in my recliner listening to Colt Ford on my Iphone and typing this post. This is what I'm all about. I work hard, love my family and try to be the best husband/father I can be.

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