Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!

Well, just got back from work after going in for some OT on New Year's eve. Working in a small town, we usually only have 2 officers on at a time. However, we wanted to do a road check to try and get some DUIs so that required some extra assistance. Myself and another officer ended up coming in so that we could cover the road check and cover the expected extra traffic coming through the city. Things started off right just as I was coming in about 10pm. One of the other officers stopped a car for running a stop sign and ended up getting 2 arrests out of it. He arrested the driver for DUI and he also had a warrant for his arrest. One of the passengers also had a warrant so he got a free ride as well. The third passenger was released and the driver's father got the vehicle.

After those 2 were booked and transported to jail, we went and got set up for our road check. These aren't very complicated. We ask for driver's licenses and insurance cards which people are required by state law to have in their possession while operating a motor vehicle. We ensure that those documents are valid, glance at the tag and they're on their way. The kicker is that sometimes things aren't always on the up and up. We hadn't been set up for more than 10 minutes when on of the other officers got a car with no insurance. The driver was promptly cited for the infraction and the car was towed away. A short time later, a car pulled up and the officer could smell the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. Surprise, surprise!!!

After pulling all 5 people out of the car, nobody wanted to admit to having any marijuana. One of the passengers kept proclaiming how he was on federal probation and wouldn't have anything to do with marijuana. Of course he was on probation for possession of Crack cocaine with intent to distribute. So, we decide to search the car and end up finding 33 individually wrapped baggies full of marijuana. Fun times, fun times. After talking to the 5 occupants of the vehicle, one of the passengers claims the weed and is promptly arrested, thereby saving us from having to arrest all 5 of them. My buddy Andy ends up transporting the guy for booking and then to the jail while we continue the road check. We decide to wrap things up and head back to the PD for a break while we wait on Andy to get back.

We're sitting at the PD waiting on the coffee to finish brewing when we hear Andy on the radio advising that he hit a deer on the way back from the jail. So we haul ass up to check on him and find his car lying in the ditch with a very badly injured and very much alive deer lying in the roadway. This deer is pretty badly hurt with 2-3 broken legs but still hell bent on getting away after 3 more police cars pull up so she starts stumbling down the road, bumping against the door of my car as I'm trying to get out. I end up having to pull my backup weapon to put the deer down and end it's suffering. Andy was fine but his car is pretty bad. He was mainly just mad since he just got it back from the shop after hitting another deer (which I also had to put down) about 2 weeks ago. I was laughing about it and told him that every time we work together, we end up tearing up a car.

Anyways, I finally got home about an hour ago and it's almost time for me to get to bed. My wife is getting ready to go to work and my son is going to spend the day with his grandparents so I can sleep before my regular shift tonight. Y'all have fun and have a wonderful new year!

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